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S.T.A.R. Development

Serious Threat Athletic and Recruitment Development (S.T.A.R. Development) is a free service provided by Serious Threat Post-Grad Prep Academy, which promotes the continuance of higher education for prospective college student-athletes. Our primary focus is to support the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) athletic structure and assist budget restricted mainstream small school programs. Based in Chicago, S.T.A.R Development mentors athletes and parents, consults on college athletic recruitment plans, works as a liaison between college recruiters and student-athletes, and conducts events for the sole purpose of increasing prospective student-athletes’ chances of receiving financial assistance for higher education.


What We Do!

What People Are Saying...

S.T.A.R. Development continues to receive endorsements from
HBCUs and small mainstream institutions.

Johnson C. Smith University
(CIAA Conference)

Joe Toney
Assistant Coach

Lincoln University
(CIAA Conference)

Corey Lowery
Head Coach

Wilberforce University
(AII Conference)

Kevin Waters
Former Head Coach

Kentucky Christian University
(AAC Conference)

Sean Daniels
Assistant Coach